translation grammar

英 [trænzˈleɪʃn ˈɡræmə(r)] 美 [trænzˈleɪʃn ˈɡræmər]

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  1. Computational linguistics, moreover, is closely related to the fields of artificial intelligence, language/ speech recognition, translation, and grammar checking.
  2. And while some translation systems use crude rules based on the grammar of languages, Google is exploiting its vast database of websites and translated documents to improve the accuracy of its system.
  3. Attributed string translation grammar
  4. Direct Method is a method of teaching a language through conversation, discussion, and reading in the language itself without translation and without the formal study of grammar.
  5. To save time and energy to write more reports, all using Google English translation, if any English grammar or vocabulary mistakes, please understand.
  6. And when translation, and some habitual grammar is a big difference.
  7. Translation through the structural analysis, the concern on grammar, and fluency in Chinese.
  8. Three more kinds of exercise sentence translation, grammar cloze, and paragraph structure have been added to make the exercise more versatile and challenging.
  9. It is put that functional theories of translation refers to both German functionalist approaches, mainly the skopotheorie and the translation theory based on Halliday's functional grammar.
  10. Context, Culture and Translation of Grammar Examples
  11. In this paper, by studying the load combination algebra system, its formal definition and translation grammar are presented.
  12. The translation choice is realized on the basis of a grammar tree and takes the context as a word bag, with the lexicon and POS tag information as context features. The Bayes minimal error probability is taken as the evaluation function of the candidate translation.
  13. Nida points out that most of the translation errors occur not from the patterns of the complex grammar but from misunderstanding of the source culture.
  14. On Features of Chinese Four-line Poems Translation from the Angle of Functional Grammar
  15. During the course of translating, incorrect translation may result from such factors as grammar, structure, inter-cultural differences, and so on.
  16. This thesis studies dramatic translation with interpersonal function of the systemic functional grammar.
  17. Study of Unequivalence in Translation from the Perspective of Functional Grammar
  18. Stiff translation style of Mongolia-Yuan Dynasty is a special translation style with Mongolian-Chinese language and grammar, called "Yuan Dynasty Vernacular" by the academic circles.
  19. Translation studies are closely associated with linguistic theories. This essay tentatively analyses how and in which as-pects translation studies may benefit from register theory of functional grammar.
  20. Translation and Europeanized Grammar in Modern Written Chinese
  21. Translation should shake off the traditional model of pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary and pay more attention to the cultural research of society, psychology, behavior, custom and the influence on translation.
  22. In the research of automatic translation, the treatment of morphology and sentence grammar is a core problem.
  23. It is hoped that the present study will provide a keen insight into the translation practice and that the applicability of functional grammar to discourse analysis can be tested.
  24. However, traditional study on poetry translation lays its focus on the processing of words and grammar, neglecting the mobilization of TL readers 'aesthetic initiative.
  25. In other words, the function of completing-sentence C-E translation is to test vocabulary and grammar, while the function of the whole sentence C-E translation is to test not only vocabulary and grammar but also sentence structure.
  26. Studies on advertisements have been conducted from various perspectives, such as lexicology, pragmatics, stylistics, translation, psycholinguistics and functional grammar.
  27. During the translation process, it is important for English and Chinese grammar to correspond exactly, but one of the keys to high quality translation is the appropriate choosing and extension of word meaning.
  28. The current grammar teaching system in China mostly adopts the Grammar Translation method and Audio-lingual method to teach grammar.
  29. The purpose of the dissertation is to analyze and contrast the English song Scarborough Fair and its two Chinese versions and to provide a new perspective for English song lyrics translation, especially from the perspective of Systemic Functional Grammar.
  30. The second chapter, mainly explains the translation of buddhist scripture Tibetan grammar system and grammatical structure contributions.